Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Memphis Asian (Memphis style BBQ sandwich in egg roll form)

This one all started one night when my brother in law and I were playing Monopoly and we got hungry.  I had left over smoked pork butt in the fridge and egg roll wrappers too (I was going to try to sub egg roll wrappers for seaweed in making sushi, but was able to find the seaweed).  Glad that worked out.  So I said "dude let's make some smoked pork egg rolls!"  He said "hell yeah I'm down!"  That night we made a very simple one, meat and egg roll with a mustard sauce dipper.  While eating it I said, "you know what would make this a million times better?  Memphis style coleslaw."  Two weeks later, the Memphis Asian was born. For your ingredients you will need:

All you see here:  1 Bag of dry coleslaw, egg roll wrappers, your favorite mustard based bbq sauce and some left over smoked pork butt.

I only used about half of the bag of slaw and about a pound of pork.  It should make about 16 rolls depending on how heavy you stuff.  I kinda eye balled the sauce, but it was in the 1/2 cup ball park.

Next, gather your ingredients in the bowl:

Toss that beautiful mess:

Now start wrapping.   Once you are ready to wrap get a shallow pan of oil hot.  If you have a deep fryer that would probably work better.

Here is the step by step wrapping.  Wrapping directions are also provided on the egg roll wrapper package.
Step one:
Step two:

Step three:
Step four:
Now it's fry time.  Make sure you've got good hot oil.  Since all the ingredients are cooked the frying takes less then three minutes (about a minute and a half on each side).  Unless you are deep frying which then it's till they are golden.

And now.... The Memphis Asian!

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